So, you want to make something out of concrete but you’ve never worked with it before. Let’s get you a foundation of knowledge on concrete: Yes, concrete or mortar mixing can be intimidating or daunting, but there really isn’t that much to it. Concrete is basically just rocks, dust, and water that when you mix […]
Being in month 2 of quarantine (I think–I can hardly keep track of time these days). I am finding new and creative ways to use what I have on hand. Instead of running to the store multiple times a day for a project. Or even all the things I need or forgot. This led to […]
This year our list of outdoor projects is substantial! The yard landscaping has been the biggest part of that list and will happen in phases. Until this point, we hadn’t done any landscaping to the front of the house. We have gotten quotes for the work we want done and it’s just WAY out of […]
Last year, I watched in envy while all of these DIYers participated in the One Room Challenge. I had no idea about it before it was happening. I knew that after seeing the community created with this challenge, that I wanted to be a part of the next one! A few weeks (months?) ago, one […]
With all of this extra time at home nowadays, I’m getting so many things done that I’ve wanted to do for so long. It’s good for me to keep busy and flex my creative muscles so I don’t go cray! I’ve seen a couple people with moss bowls on their kitchen tables this spring and […]
I have been researching and reading about the Faux Brick German Schmear technique for almost a year. I love it and have felt just really intrigued by the process and how it can transform bricks. Last year, I started this blog with the DIY Brick Paver Patio project and although I love the results of […]
After building this beautiful DIY Electric Fireplace in the Master Bedroom, I knew I wanted to take the detailing to the ceiling and since the fireplace stuck out from the wall so far, I would have to build a custom mantle as well. The Backsteet Boys said it best, the thing about DIY is “I […]
I’ve always been super intimidated by doing any electrical work. But let me tell you, changing out these switches was one of the easiest home improvements I’ve ever done! Let’s back up a little so I can tell you why I’m upgrading my outlets. Backstory My son has slept in his own bed since he […]
After buying my new house, this shiplap wall was one of my very first projects. I had my mind set on this project from the beginning of the building plans for our new house. Now, the breakfast nook is one of my favorite places in the house. I love the natural, airy feel with a […]