
My Real Mom Weight Loss Journey with Tips

Disclaimer: This post is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss journey.

I am a real mom going through my real mom weight loss journey after having 3 kids and not having the weight “just fall off”. It has taken a lot of hard work for me to achieve my goals but it’s been so worth it to finally be comfortable in my own skin again.

HOT TAKE: The Weight Loss Industry Exposed

A significant portion of the weight loss industry can be misleading. Many programs, like Weight Watchers, often keep their methods hidden, leading you to rely on their system instead of understanding the fundamentals of healthy eating. True weight loss isn’t a magical secret—it’s about education and making informed choices.

It's sad to think that weightless is

Our Journey to Knowledge

Over the past several months, Steve and I have gained invaluable insights into weight loss that have empowered us to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Losing weight isn’t some big secret nor it is complicated.

Here’s what we learned:

Understanding Your TDEE: The Key to Success

What is TDEE?
Calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is essential for weight loss, much like having a map before a road trip. TDEE represents the calories you burn through daily activities and bodily functions. Knowing your TDEE helps you understand how many calories you can consume to gain, maintain, or lose weight.

This is the TDEE Calculator Steve and I use!

The Calorie Deficit Explained

How It Works:
Losing weight boils down to one fundamental principle: caloric deficit. If your body burns 1500 calories daily and you consume 1500 calories, your weight remains the same. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. For example, if you eat 1200 calories, you create a deficit of 300 calories, which can lead to weight loss over time.

To lose 1 pound, you need a deficit of 3500 calories. For example, if you maintain a daily deficit of 300 calories, you’ll lose about 1 pound every 11.66 days. However, ensure you meet your minimum caloric needs, which is why consulting a healthcare professional is crucial.

The Role of Exercise in Weight Loss

You’ll notice I don’t focus much on exercise in this blog about weight loss. That’s because exercise primarily helps with your TDEE calculation and overall health, rather than directly causing weight loss. If you maintain your usual diet and start working out, you might see initial weight loss due to an increased TDEE. However, this loss will likely stall if you don’t adjust your diet. Remember, the key to weight loss is maintaining a calorie deficit. While you can lose weight without exercising, it’s not necessarily the healthiest approach. I try to workout 2-3 times per week doing weightlifting and pilates.

The Importance of Macros

What Are Macros?
Understanding macronutrients (macros) is key to effective weight loss. Calories are units of energy: 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, while protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram. Prioritizing lower-fat foods can help you maintain a caloric deficit more easily.

You can measure and keep track of calories/macros with apps like “MyMacros”.

These pictures were from the beginning of our journey and we’ve come so much farther since then. It really has changed Steve and my lives for the better, even more than we thought it would.

Hydration: Your Weight Loss Ally

For me, the more I hear something, the less I actually hear it, like: “drink more water.” People say it over and over and at a point you just roll your eyes because you know you should drink water but it’s one of those things that you survive without.

I experienced firsthand how hydration affects weight loss. On days I didn’t drink enough, my weight loss stalled. But why? Doesn’t drinking a lot of water make you retain water weight? No. Water helps transport fat out of your body, making it crucial for anyone on a weight loss journey. A good rule of thumb is to drink 50% of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, aim for 100 oz of water daily.

Calorie-Conscious Meal Ideas

If you have a family that isn’t needing to reduce calories like you are, there are ways to still cook ONE meal for everyone. It’s the rule of 3’s: I’ll make a protein, a veggie and a carb for dinner. The protein will be for everyone. Steve and I take a large serving of veggies, even though my kids hardly eat them, we at least offer it. Finally, the carb will be what my kids and husband like (rice, noodles, potatoes) and you can either take a small serving or eliminate it (which is typically what I do). This way we’re all eating the same, varied dinner and it’s a simple formula to follow without being too repetitive and supporting my real mom weight loss journey.

Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals can help you feel full while keeping calories low. Here’s how I cook for my family without sacrificing my goals:

  • Protein: Choose lean proteins like chicken or low-fat beef.
  • Veggies: Load up on vegetables for volume.
  • Carbs: Serve family favorites (rice, pasta) in smaller portions.

Simple, Delicious Low-Calorie Recipes

  1. Zoodles with Ground Beef
    • 4 oz 96% lean ground beef
    • 4 oz zucchini noodles
    • ½ cup no-sugar-added pasta sauce
  2. Bunless Burger
    • 2 large butter lettuce leaves
    • 4 oz ground beef patty
    • Thick Tomato and onion slices
    • Ketchup and mustard
  3. Lunch Wrap
    • Low-carb tortilla
    • 3-4 oz deli roasted chicken
    • 1 spicy pepper jack skinny cow cheese wedge
    • Diced cucumber

Adding riced cauliflower to rice dishes can significantly reduce calorie density without compromising flavor!

The Impact of Alcohol on Weight Loss

I recently learned that alcohol affects weight loss more than just its caloric content. Your body recognizes alcohol as a toxin and tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible so while your body processes alcohol, it stops fat burning. So, limiting alcohol consumption and avoiding food while drinking can help your body focus on metabolizing one substance at a time.

Real Mom Weight Loss Journey!

Embarking on a real mom weight loss journey can be daunting, but understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing is empowering. Remember, every step you take brings you closer to your goals. I’m not done yet and to an extent, I never will be because health is a journey not a destination. Feel free to leave a comment below questions or just if I can give you some encouragement—I’m here for you!

In this confidence we’ve found, we have started a new journey to start renovating houses for other families!

Follow along on our journey and make sure you’re subscribed to our email list so you never miss an update!


  1. Kimberly says:

    You both look great but more importantly you are doing this with knowledge. Very impressive!

    • Ruth Largaespada says:

      That’s so sweet. Thank you!

      • Skye Rezac says:

        You freaking rock! As a fellow mom of three, weight loss is at the top of my mind but also soo daunting. I love that you broke it down in such a simple, realistic way, that doesn’t require the latest exercise or diet program that costs money! I plan to re-start my journey tomorrow, nothing to wait for! Proud of how far you and your hubby have come! Keep crushing it!! Hoping I can do the same.

        • Ruth Largaespada says:

          You’re right, there’s no time like the present and it’s not about perfection but progress. I admire you for jumping right in. Whatever you want to do, you can do!

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